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Thông tin thư mục

Hiển thị:

Decheng Yang
RNA Viruses :Host gene reponses to infections /Decheng Yang. -Singapore :World Scientific,2009
691 tr. ;24 cm
This is the first comprehensive book on human/animal gene responses to RNA viral infections, including prevalent, emerging and re-emerging RNA viruses such as HIV, SARS-CoV, West Nile virus, influenza virus and many others. Human gene responses are reviewed by leading virologists worldwide in the following aspects: (i) the altered gene expression profiles at the transcriptional and translational levels detected with cutting-edge technologies such as cDNA microarray and proteomics; (ii) host innate and adapted immune responses to viral replication in target organs; (iii) virus-activated signal transduction pathways in cell survival, apoptosis and autophagosomal pathways; and (iv) the small interfering RNA/microRNA-mediated gene silencing pathway, a recently characterized new host defense mechanism against viral infection.
1.RNA Viruses2.RNA viral infections3.HIV4.SARS-CoV5.West Nile virus6.cDNA microarray7.Roteomics8.
579.2DE - Y

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