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Thông tin thư mục

Hiển thị:

Lim, Hwa A.
Multiplicity yours :cloning, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine /Hwa A. Lim. -Singapore :World Scientific,2006
412 tr. ;24 cm
This is the first book of its kind that treats reproduction, cloning, stem cell research and regenerative medicine in an integrative manner.Touching on the science, social aspects, legal and ethical issues, and the current status of cloning, stem cell research and regenerative medicine, this self-contained book is an excellent source for introducing newcomers to the field or broadening the perspectives of experts and practitioners.In contrast to existing books on the market, which treat each topic in isolation or sensationalize the areas, this book takes an integrative and balanced approach. The treatment is easy to grasp and clear illustrations, graphics and photos explain the key concepts. The book explains the diverse topics from a scientific angle, a social perspective, and as a natural business development. The coverage also includes the political and ethical issues as well as many other thought-provoking scenarios.
1.Regenerative medicine2.Cloning3.Moral and ethical aspects4.Stem cells5.Reproduction
176LI - A

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