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Hiển thị:

Tretyakov, Michael V.
Introductory course on financial mathematics /M. V. Tretyakov. -Singapore :Imperial College Press,2013
266 tr. ;24 cm
The first part of the book introduces one of the main principles in finance -- 'no arbitrage pricing'. It also introduces main financial instruments such as forward and futures contracts, bonds and swaps, and options. The second part deals with pricing and hedging of European- and American-type options in the discrete-time setting. In addition, the concept of complete and incomplete markets is discussed. Elementary probability is briefly revised and discrete-time discrete-space stochastic processes used in financial modelling are considered. The third part introduces the Wiener process, Ito integrals and stochastic differential equations, but its main focus is the famous Black-Scholes formula for pricing European options. Some guidance for further study within this exciting and rapidly changing field is given in the concluding chapter. There are approximately 100 exercises interspersed throughout the book, and solutions for most problems are provided in the appendices
1.Business mathematics2.Stochastic processes3.Derivative securities
332.0151TR - M

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