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Hiển thị:

Kenzo Adachi
Several complex variables and integral formulas /Kenzo Adachi. -Singapore :World Scientific,2007
366 tr. ;24 cm
This volume is an introductory text in several complex variables, using methods of integral representations and Hilbert space theory. It investigates mainly the studies of the estimate of solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann equations in pseudoconvex domains and the extension of holomorphic functions in submanifolds of pseudoconvex domains which were developed in the last 50 years. We discuss the two main studies mentioned above by two different methods: the integral formulas and the Hilbert space techniques. The theorems concerning general pseudoconvex domains are analyzed using Hilbert space theory, and the proofs for theorems concerning strictly pseudoconvex domains are solved using integral representations.This volume is written in a self-contained style, so that the proofs are easily accessible to beginners. There are exercises featured at the end of each chapter to aid readers to better understand the materials of this volume. Fairly detailed hints are articulated to solve these exercises
1.Functions of several complex variables2.Integral representations3.Hilbert spac
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