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Hiển thị:

Eie, Minking
The theory of Multiple zeta values with Applications in combinatorics.Vol.7 :Monographs in number theory /Minking Eie, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. -Singapore :World Scientific,2013
300 p. tr. ;23 cm
This is the first book on the theory of multiple zeta values since its birth around 1994. Readers will find that the shuffle products of multiple zeta values are applied to complicated counting problems in combinatorics, and numerous interesting identities are produced that are ready to be used. This will provide a powerful tool to deal with problems in multiple zeta values, both in evaluations and shuffle relations. The volume will benefit graduate students doing research in number theory
1.Monographs2.Number theory3.Combinatorial analysis4.Functions of complex variables5.Zeta
515.5EI - M

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